Showing posts with label Transportation Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transportation Engineering. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Calculate the Short Break Procedure from table.1 Table 1 Time period 3 mins VehicleCount 07:00 – 07:05 45 07:05 – 07:10 55 07:10 – 07:15 30 07:15 – 07:20 65 07:20 – 07:25 40 07:25 – 07:30 50

Q :                                                                                                                                     

(a)    Calculate the Short Break Procedure from table.1

Table 1

Time period

3 mins VehicleCount

07:00 – 07:05


07:05 – 07:10


07:10 – 07:15


07:15 – 07:20


07:20 – 07:25


07:25 – 07:30





Time period

3 mins VehicleCount (v)

Count adjustment (f)

Adjusted mins count (Va)

07:00 – 07:05



5/3 × 45 = 75

07:05 – 07:10



5/3 × 55 = 91.67

07:10 – 07:15



5/3 × 60 = 100

07:15 – 07:20



5/3 × 65 = 10.33

07:20 – 07:25



5/3 ×40  =  67

07:25 – 07:30



5/3 × 50 = 83.33






Explain any two detectors used for traffic counting with respect to Vehicular characteristics.

 Explain any two detectors used for traffic counting with respect to Vehicular characteristics.


       Two detectors used to measure the traffic count with respect to vehicular characteristics

1.Pneumatic road tube counting :   Here every lane is installed with a pair of tubes whose one side is sealed and other side is connected with a data logger. So whenever a vehicle passes over tube air pressure activates inside which helps us to get the vehicle density. Now a days these tubes are equipped with pressure monitoring system by which we can easily get the vehicle characteristics also.

This has for many years been a popular method of vehicle sensing.


2. Doppler and RADAR;         

                     Doppler microwave detection devices transmit a continuous signal of low-energy microwave radiation at a target area and then analyze the reflected signal. The detector registers a change in the frequency of waves occurring when the microwave source and the vehicle are in motion relative to one another. This allows the device to detect moving vehicles.

Radar is capable of detecting distant objects and determining their position and speed of movement. With vehicle detection, a device directs high frequency radio waves at the roadway to determine the time delay of the return signal, thereby calculating the distance to the detected vehicle.


(a) What is “Planning” in Transportation Engineering? Explain briefly with examples. (b) Explain the difference between Daily and Seasonal Variation in traffic. (c) Explain how Daily volume parameters can be used and why Peak Hour Factor is important in your own words.


     (a)    What is “Planning” in Transportation Engineering? Explain briefly with examples.

(b)   Explain the difference between Daily and Seasonal Variation in traffic.

(c)    Explain how Daily volume parameters can be used and why Peak Hour Factor is important in your own words.

Answer: (A)


    Transportation planning is the process of looking at the current state of transportation in the region, designing for future transportation needs, and combining all of that with the elements of budgets, goals and policies. It helps shape how a community or city grows by evaluating everything from streets and highways to cargo ships to public transit and bike lanes. It can influence everything from business to recreation to quality of life.

Transportation planning is the process It deals with the transportation planning facilities which will be able  to meet the present and future needs in a sustainable manner.

It includes:

Ø  Trip generation

Ø  Trip distribution

Ø  Mode choice

Ø  Route Selection

The Transportation planning process has many factors to consider. Modes of transportation , infrastructure , technology, demand and users are all needs to be considerations for the overall process.

Answer: (B)


          Seasonal variation in traffic flows is defined as the ratio of the average daily flow for each month to the annual average flow. Its variation by day of week is examined using analysis of variance techniques on data from the 50-point census. Five sets of ratios for each site are calculated, representing the seasonal variation for Mondays, Tuesdays to Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The sites of the 50-point census were grouped (seven groups for weekdays and six groups for weekends) using these sets of ratios by Beale's cluster analysis. This grouping did not have any obvious physical interpretation so a more subjective method of grouping the sites was devised.

This produced four groups of more practical use corresponding to different types of traffic: urban/commuter, low-flow rural, rural long-distance, and recreational. Seasonal variation patterns are tabulated for these four groups for Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. These patterns can be used to estimate annual average daily traffic flows more accurately than previously when factors for only a single road type were available.

Daily variation;    the average 24hrs traffic valume of a given location over a full 365days year i.e daily varience can be computed for 6month,season,week or days.


Answer part C

             Daily volumes parameter are frequently used as the basis for highly planing and general observationof trend.

Peak Hour factor ;    peak hour factor plays an important role in transportation designing. peak hour factor is used to convert the hourly traffic valume into the flow rate that represent the busiest is minuts of the rush hours. peak hour factor has a strong impact on traffic analysis result

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Justify the main components of an airport. Also discuss the role of Civil Engineer in Airport Engineering.


Q:    Justify the main components of an airport. Also discuss the role of Civil Engineer in Airport Engineering.   


            Components of Airport

Ø  Runway.

Ø  Taxiway.

Ø  Apron.

Ø  Terminal building.

Ø  Control tower.

Ø  Hanger.

Ø  Parking.

An airport has two major components; an airfield and terminals. A typical airfield is composed of a runway for takeoffs and landings as well as two (or one) parallel taxiing lanes (taxiway). Runways are labeled according to the direction (rounded magnetic azimuth in decimal) they are facing. Therefore, a plane using runway  09  would  be  facing east  (90 degrees)  while runway 27 (270 degrees), which is the same, would be facing west. Connecting lanes between  the runway and the taxiing lanes usually have an angle permitting the quick exit from the runway for planes that have just landed.

Modern airfield designs provide two of three exiting options per landing direction depending on the plane’s size. A small aircraft will take less distance to brake than a large aircraft and has thus the opportunity to quickly exit the runway, freeing valuable takeoff or landing slots.

Runway is a long, rectangular paved area used for the landing of air crafts, it should have sufficient length and width to accommodate the aircrafts.

The length of runway should be such that it should accelerate the aircraft to the point of take-off and should be enough such that the aircraft should be brought to stop within 60% of the available runway length.

Taxiway is a path that connect the aircraft with aprons, hangars, terminals and other facilities, it provides shortest possible path from runway to other facilities. It Should be visible from 300m to pilot at 3m height from the ground.


An Apron is an airport location where planes are stopped, loaded or unloaded, refilled or boarded. Although the use of the apron is covered by regulations, such as lighting in cars, it is more accessible to users than the open road or taxi. Apart from this, apron is also used to hold the planes before the departure and to wait till the runway is cleared from other planes.

Automobile parking is provided at on the side of the city at the airport for people to reach airport.

A hangar is a closed building for holding airplanes or spacecraft. Hangar is used for weather protection, direct sunlight and repairs, assembly and maintenance of aircraft.

Role of Civil Engineer in Airport Engineering

A civil engineer in the airports sector will specialise in the design, tendering,

contracting and supervision services in connection with runways, taxiways, aprons

and landside access facilities.

The civil engineer must consider issues such as drainage, airside layout, landside

access design and passenger flow characteristics.


Despite civil engineering’s importance to providing engineering design and advanced technical services that are central to air operations, these contributions have largely remained below the radar. It’s time to shine a spotlight on civil engineering’s vital role as the foundation for global air transport today.

Airside and landside design and engineering services include:

Ø  Runway, taxiway, and apron design

Ø  Roadway, curbside, and parking lot design

Ø  Electrical design

Ø  Pavement design, rehabilitation, and life-cycle cost analyses

Ø  Drainage design including best management practices implementation and low-impact development

Ø  Structural design (foundations and bridges)

Ø  Navigational aid system planning and design

Ø  Airfield lighting and signing and control system design

Ø  Airside/landside fueling design

Ø  Security system planning and design

Ø  Surveying/geotechnical investigation