Showing posts with label Probability and Statistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Probability and Statistics. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2022

For a departmental inquiry committee, an employer randomly selects a sample of three employees from ten employees, six men and four women. If the selection is at random, what then is the probability of selecting at least one-man member employee?

 For a departmental inquiry committee, an employer randomly selects a sample of three employees from ten employees, six men and four women.  If the selection is at random, what then is the probability of selecting at least one-man member employee?


A married couple wants to enjoy the weather of hill stations at Murree and Abbottabad. The probabilities of enjoying weather at Murree and Abbottabad are respectively 0.50 and .12. What is the probability that a couple will enjoy at least one of these two hill stations?


A married couple wants to enjoy the weather of hill stations at Murree and Abbottabad. The probabilities of enjoying weather at Murree and Abbottabad are respectively 0.50 and .12.

What is the probability that a couple will enjoy at least one of these two hill stations?


             TREE DIAGRAM

Event-1 = Weather of hill station at Murree

Event-2 = Weather of hill station at Abbottabad

P(E1) = 0.5

P(E2) = 0.12

P’(E1) = 1 – 0.5

            = 0.5

P’(E2) = 1 – 0.12

            = 0.88

P(E1 Ռ E2)’ = 0.5 * 0.88

                     = 0.44

P( couple will enjoy at least one of these two hill stations) = 1- 0.44

                                                                                              = 0.56

                                                                                              = 56%


What concept of the events do you give to these two hill stations?                      

We use the concept the mutually exclusive events. Because these two events can’t occurred at a time.

What do you mean by objective and subjective probabilities? Fit one simple real-life example in each case, which really reflect its linkage to objective and subjective probabilities

Q# What do you mean by objective and subjective probabilities? Fit one simple real-life example in each case, which really reflect its linkage to objective and subjective probabilities.

Objective probabilities

      Objective probabilities are based on mathematical analysis, experiments, and mathematical equations than anecdotes, personal experience, or hunting. In the financial world, taking advantage of opportunities can be very important to prevent from making emotional decisions when investing.

We often deceive ourselves into thinking that "we have always been lucky in car investments" or that "we have not lost money on gold".


Subjective Probabilities

                              The probabilities where we use our ideas, emotions and thoughts on the basis of past experience to find opportunities and probabilities. Example: we think,we have an 80% chance that our best friend will call today, because her car broke down yesterday and he will need a ride.


let's say Ali buys a raffle ticket to support the local Girl Scouts home team. The team sells 1,000 tickets. From a standpoint, Ali has 1 in 1,000 chance of winning. But humbly, John thinks his chances of winning are very high because he "feels good about it." However, his chances are still 1 in 1,000.

            b. In a survey of 200 college students, it was found that;

            120 study mathematics,                     90 study physics

            70 study chemistry,                           40 study mathematics and physics,

            30 study physics and chemistry,       50 study chemistry and mathematics

            20 study none of these subjects.

Depict the events “A: Mathematics”, “B: Physics” and “C: Chemistry” on the given Venn-Diagram, and find the number of the students who studies all the three subjects. 


Let Assume

A = Mathematics ; B = Physics and C = Chemistry 

n(A) = 120  ,  n(B) = 90  ,   n(C) = 70

n ( A ∩ B) = 40    ,       n ( B ∩ C ) = 30                                                               

n ( C ∩ A ) = 50    ,     n ( AB C )’ = 20 

Now n(AB C)’ = n(U) – n(AB C) 

20 = 200 – n (A
B C) 

Therefore, n(A
B C) = 200 – 20 = 180 
B C) 
= n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A ∩ B) – n(B ∩ C) – n(C ∩ A) + n(A ∩ B ∩ C)

180 = 120 + 90 + 70 - 40 - 30 - 50 + n(A ∩ B ∩ C)

n(A ∩ B ∩ C) =180 - 120 - 90 - 70 + 40 + 30 + 50 

n(A ∩ B ∩ C)

   = 20. (Students who studies all three subjects)

What did you learn from binomial and Hyper- geometric distributions? Write a brief note of five lines on these distributions


Q# What did you learn from binomial and Hyper- geometric distributions?  Write a brief note of five lines on these distributions.                                                       


binomial distribution can be thought of as simply the probability of a SUCCESS or FAILURE outcome in an experiment or survey that is repeated multiple times. The binomial is a type of distribution that has two possible outcomes (the prefix “bi” means two, or twice). For example, a coin toss has only two possible outcomes: heads or tails and taking a test could have two possible outcomes: pass or fail.

For example, let’s suppose we wanted to know the probability of getting a 1 on a die roll. if you were to roll a die 20 times, the probability of rolling a one on any throw is 1/6. Roll twenty times and you have a binomial distribution of (n=20, p=1/6). SUCCESS would be “roll a one” and FAILURE would be “roll anything else.” If the outcome in question was the probability of the die landing on an even number, the binomial distribution would then become (n=20, p=1/2). That’s because your probability of throwing an even number is one half.

The hypergeometric distribution is a discrete distribution that models the number of events in a fixed sample size when you know the total number of items in the population that the sample is from. Each item in the sample has two possible outcomes (either an event or a nonevent). The samples are without replacement, so every item in the sample is different. When an item is chosen from the population, it cannot be chosen again. Therefore, an item's chance of being selected increases on each trial, assuming that it has not yet been selected.

Use the hypergeometric distribution for samples that are drawn from relatively small populations, without replacement. For example, the hypergeometric distribution is used in Fisher's exact test to test the difference between two proportions, and in acceptance sampling by attributes for sampling from an isolated lot of finite size.

The hypergeometric distribution is defined by 3 parameters: population size, event count in population, and sample size.

For example, We receive one special order shipment of 500 labels. Suppose that 2% of the labels are defective. The event count in the population is 10 (0.02 * 500). we sample 40 labels and want to determine the probability of 3 or more defective labels in that sample. The probability of 3 of more defective labels in the sample is 0.0384.

Monday, October 10, 2022

What did you learn from binomial and Hyper- geometric distributions? Write a brief note of five lines on these distributions.


Q#  What did you learn from binomial and Hyper- geometric distributions?  Write a brief note of five lines on these distributions.                                                        


binomial distribution can be thought of as simply the probability of a SUCCESS or FAILURE outcome in an experiment or survey that is repeated multiple times. The binomial is a type of distribution that has two possible outcomes (the prefix “bi” means two, or twice). For example, a coin toss has only two possible outcomes: heads or tails and taking a test could have two possible outcomes: pass or fail.


For example, let’s suppose we wanted to know the probability of getting a 1 on a die roll. if you were to roll a die 20 times, the probability of rolling a one on any throw is 1/6. Roll twenty times and you have a binomial distribution of (n=20, p=1/6). SUCCESS would be “roll a one” and FAILURE would be “roll anything else.” If the outcome in question was the probability of the die landing on an even number, the binomial distribution would then become (n=20, p=1/2). That’s because your probability of throwing an even number is one half.

The hypergeometric distribution is a discrete distribution that models the number of events in a fixed sample size when you know the total number of items in the population that the sample is from. Each item in the sample has two possible outcomes (either an event or a nonevent). The samples are without replacement, so every item in the sample is different. When an item is chosen from the population, it cannot be chosen again. Therefore, an item's chance of being selected increases on each trial, assuming that it has not yet been selected.

Use the hypergeometric distribution for samples that are drawn from relatively small populations, without replacement. For example, the hypergeometric distribution is used in Fisher's exact test to test the difference between two proportions, and in acceptance sampling by attributes for sampling from an isolated lot of finite size.

The hypergeometric distribution is defined by 3 parameters: population size, event count in population, and sample size.

For example, We receive one special order shipment of 500 labels. Suppose that 2% of the labels are defective. The event count in the population is 10 (0.02 * 500). we sample 40 labels and want to determine the probability of 3 or more defective labels in that sample. The probability of 3 of more defective labels in the sample is 0.0384.

Machines A, B and C make resistors 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The acceptability of the three resistors are 90%, 93% and 81% respectively. Three resistors arepicked at random sampling with replacement. Find the probability that i. All resistors are acceptable.


b.      Machines A, B and C make resistors 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The acceptability of the three resistors are 90%, 93% and 81% respectively. Three resistors arepicked at random sampling with replacement. Find the probability that


i.                    All resistors are acceptable.                                                                           

ii.           P(A) = 0.9


iii.         P(B) = 0.93


iv.         P(C) = 0.81


Since A , B and C are the independent events, therefore

P(AՌBՌC) = P(A) P(B) P(C)


                = 0.9 * 0.93 * 0.81

                    = 0.678

                    = 67.8%  Answer


v.                  All resistors are not acceptable.


P(all resistors are not acceptable)   =   1 -  P(all resistors are acceptable)

                                                      = 1 – 0.678

                                                      = 0.322

                                                      = 32.2%   Answer




vi.                At least one resistor is acceptable.                                                                [Marks-01]


P(At least one resistor is acceptable) = P(AUBUC)

P(AUBUC) = P(A) +P(B) +P(C) -P(AՌB)-P(BՌC) – P(AՌC) + P(AՌBՌC)


 = 0.9 + 0.93 +0.81 – 0.9*0.93 – 0.93*0.81 – 0.9*0.81 + 0.678


     = 0.998


   = 99.8%  Answer

Bay’s Theorem: A Construction Company finds that an experienced machine operator of its company (one or more years of experience) will produce a defective item 1.5% of the time. Operators with some experience (up to one year) will produce a 2.5% defective rate and new operators will produce a 5% defective rate. The company has 65% experienced employees, 25% with some experience and 10% new employees. Find the probability that i. Experienced operator of a company produced a particular defective item. ii. Operator with some experience of a company produced a particular defective item. iii. New operator of a company produced a particular defective item.


Q# Bay’s Theorem: A Construction Company finds that an experienced machine operator of its company (one or more years of experience) will produce a defective item 1.5% of the time. Operators with some experience (up to one year) will produce a 2.5% defective rate and new operators will produce a 5% defective rate. The company has 65% experienced employees, 25% with some experience and 10% new employees. Find the probability that


i.                    Experienced operator of a company produced a particular defective item.          

ii.                  Operator with some experience of a company produced a particular defective item. 

iii.                New operator of a company produced a particular defective item.                       


 let’s create some events to work with.


D: “operator produces a defective item”

E: “experienced operator”
S: “operator with some experience”
N: “new operator”


With these definitions, the information in the problem statement can be written as

P(E) = 0.65

P(D/E) = 0.015

P(S) = 0.25

P(D/S) = 0.025

P(N) = 0.1

P(D/N) = 0.05


 The probability that an experience operator produces a defective item, we are interested in the event E and D. These probabilities lie along the top branch so

P(E and D) = P(D/E) P(E) = (0.015)(0.65)

                                                 = 0.0097

                                                  =0.97%    Answer


To find the probability that a particular defective item was produced by a Experienced operator, we need to compute P(E | D). The appropriate form of Baye’s Theorem is


                                                                  = 0.4642

                                                                   = 46.42%    Answer


To find the probability that a particular defective item was produced by a Some Experienced operator, we need to compute P(S | D). The appropriate form of Baye’s Theorem is


                                                                  = 0.2976

                                                                   = 29.76%  Answer

To find the probability that a particular defective item was produced by aNew operator, we need to compute P(N | D). The appropriate form of Baye’s Theorem is




                                                                  = 0.2381

                                                                   = 23.81%     Answer