Thursday, August 12, 2021



Civil Engineers

If you want to see examples of what kind of work civil engineers do, just look around. Civil engineering companies are responsible for designing highways, bridges, wastewater systems, power grids, and for helping large cities like Houston grow in a sustainable way. Here’s five crucial areas where civil engineers can be key problem-solvers.

1.Mitigation of Flooding & Water Run-Off Planning

In the last 70 years, there have been roughly 90 federally-declared disasters in Texas.1 Over 70 of these have been floods. Sadly, this has led to several deaths, accidents, and costly damages. Civil engineers in Houston need to be well-versed in floodplain mapping in order to support towns, developers, and state planners in determining the best way to avoid these costly disasters. Civil engineers can support this effort by authoring floodplain maps, designing roads, catchments, dams, and other water run-off features that protect our lands and residents.


2.Reducing Traffic Through Highway Design

If you’re a commuter, you’ll be familiar with the need for civil engineers to come up with highway designs that can support the large number vehicles that line the roads daily. On-ramps, over-passes, commuter lanes, and strategic freeway expansions are key to directing the growing number of cars on the road. Civil engineers are equipped with the mapping, statistical analysis, and modelling skills required to tackle this complex issue.


3.Utility Design: Building Sustainable Sewage

It’s been recently estimated that Texas’ population grows by up to 100 people a day.2 This growth has increased the importance for civil engineering firms in Houston and other big cities to be strategic in planning sustainable energy and water waste systems. Every land development site needs to be assessed by a civil engineer to determine the safest and most reliable way to connect it with the local utilities system. Civil engineers design utility networks that play a big part in keeping our lands pollution-free.


4.Platting: Planning Development That Complies with State Regulations

Platting can often seem like a complicated and mysterious topic, but it is an absolutely crucial necessity in the process of land development. A plat is an official survey executed by civil engineers. It defines the boundaries of a parcel of land, designating any easements, paths of travel, and flood zones. Parcels of rural land can be legally acknowledged without a plat, but an important point to consider is that, without a plat, a land development cannot be subdivided. Platting surveys cannot be carried out by just anyone. Since land development regulations vary from municipality to municipality, it is important to work closely with a local civil engineering firm that is familiar with pertinent laws regarding development.


5.Earthwork Analysis for Large-Scale Developments

The importance of accurate earthwork analysis cannot be stressed enough. Moving vast quantities of dirt around may seem like a dull topic, but this aspect of civil engineering can prevent great financial risks to the developer. On a construction site, the contractor will need to subtract earth, add earth, or both. Civil engineers can guide this process, making it cost effective and accurate. A mistake during this process can have devastating effects on the entire development. A good civil engineering company will take the time to put boots on the ground and evaluate the jobsite.

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