Thursday, August 12, 2021

A beam of length 10m is symmetrically placed on two supports 7m apart. The loading is 15 kN/m between the supports and 20kN at each end. What is the central deflection of the beam? E = 210GN/mZ; I = 200 x 10-6m4.

 A beam of length 10m is symmetrically placed on two supports 7m apart. The loading is 15 kN/m between the supports and 20kN at each end. What is the central deflection of the beam? E = 210GN/mZ; I = 200 x 10-6m4.


Here’s a solution (assuming simple support) obtained using free online structural solver Strian:

  • bending moment diagram:
  • shear force diagram:
  • deflection:

The deflection at the center of the beam is 6.79 mm.

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