Monday, August 16, 2021

A hallow alloy tube 5m long with external and internal diameters 40mm and 25mm was found to extend 6.4mm under the tensile load of 60KN. Find the buckling load for the tube of column with both ends pinned. Also find the safe load for the tube, taking FOS=4.

  A hallow alloy tube 5m long with external and internal diameters 40mm and 25mm was found to extend 6.4mm under the tensile load of 60KN. Find the buckling load for the tube of column with both ends pinned. Also find the safe load for the tube, taking FOS=4.

Step 1: Data
Length of the column = 5000mm
External diameter = 40mm
Internal diameter =25mm
Extension = 6.4mm
Tensile load = 60KN
FOS = 4
Buckling load =??
Safe load =??
Condition = Both ends fixed

Step 2: Calculation of strain
e = dl / l
e = 6.4/ 5000
e = 1.28X10-3 

Step 3: Calculation of Area of cross section 
A = π (D2- d2)/4
    = π ((40)2- (25)2) / 4
 A= 765.76mm2

Step 4: Calculation of stress
σ = P/A
σ = 60X103/765.76
σ = 78.35 N/mm2

Step 5: Calculation of Young's modulus
E = σ /e
E = 78.35 / 1.28X10-3 
E = 0.198X105 N/mm2

Step 6: Calculation of  Moment of inertia
I= π (D4- d4)/64
  = π ((40)4- (25)4) /64
 I = 1.065X105mm4

Step 7: Calculation of Buckling load
Condition =  both  ends  fixed
P = 4Π 2E I/ L2
P =4Π 2(0.198X105) (1.065X105)/ (5000)2
P = 4.182 KN   

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