Monday, August 16, 2021

A rolled steel joist ISMB 300 is to be used a column of 3 meters length with both ends fixed. Find the safe axial load on the column. Take factor of safety 3, fc = 320 N/mm2 and a = 1/7500 . Properties of the column section. Area = 5626 mm2, I XX = 8.603 x 107 mm4 Iyy =4.539 x 107 mm4

 A rolled steel joist ISMB 300 is to be used a column of 3 meters length with both ends fixed.  Find the safe axial load on the column. Take factor of safety 3, fc = 320 N/mm  and a = 1/7500 .  Properties of the column section.  Area = 5626 mm2,  I XX = 8.603 x 107 mm Iyy =4.539 x 107 mm4

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