Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Describe the problems faced by using Double Headed Rail and which type of Rail is using now a days. Explain Conning of wheel and Tilting of Wheels on a railway track.


Double headed rails are out of service becase of large contact between chairs made the lower surface very rough, and hence smooth running of train is not possible with them.


Now a days, it is preferred to use bull headed rail, becase They keep better alignment and give a more solid and smoother track. The rails can be easily removed and replaced quickly. The heavy chair with a large bearing on sleepers gives longer life to the wooden sleepers and greater stability to the track                          

Conning of wheel and Tilting of Wheels


Coning of wheels:

Ø  If the flanges of the wheel are flat then due to shocks there will be movement between wheel and the rails due to which vehicle will not be maintained in central portion due to which there will be unequal distribution of load. Therefore the flanges are made in the shape of cone with a sloe of 1 in 20. This is termed as coning of wheel.

Ø  It will also helps in decreasing the wear and tear of the flanges and the rail

Ø  To prevent rubbing inside face of rail and flanges, the distances between inside edge of flanges kept less than the gauge ant thus the pressure is always maintained at the inner edge of rail due to coning of wheel

Tilting of rails:-

Ø  The rails are placed with an inward slope of 1 in 20 on the railway track. This art of placing of rails is called as tilting of rails.

Ø  It the rails are placed exactly vertical, the top surfaces of rail will not come in contact with wheels fully and whole pressure is exerted on inner face due to which inner face is worn our quickly. So to avoid this and to make full contact of top surface of rail, these are placed at an inward slope of 1 in 20 which is known as tilting of rail.

Advantages of tilting of rails:-

Ø  The wear of rail head is uniform

Ø  The life of rail and sleeper

Ø  The gauge can be proper maintained

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