Sunday, August 15, 2021

shows a spatial truss loaded by two external forces F at the joints IV and V. Compute the forces in the members 1-6.

  shows a spatial truss loaded by two external forces F at the joints IV and V. Compute the forces in the members 1-6.

Solved Examples for Method of Joints for Truss Analysis
Figure. 2

We free the joints V and IV by passing imaginary cuts through the bars, and we assume that the members 1-6 are in tension. The vector equations of equilibrium for these joints are given by
Solved Examples for Method of Joints for Truss Analysis

The initially unknown unit vectors can be determined from the vectors connecting adjacent joints, e.g., for e(V/VI) we obtain
Solved Examples for Method of Joints for Truss Analysis
Similarly, the other unit vectors are

Solved Examples for Method of Joints for Truss Analysis

Introducing these into the two vector equations we get the six scalar equations

Solved Examples for Method of Joints for Truss Analysis
Their solution yields the forces

Solved Examples for Method of Joints for Truss Analysis

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