Monday, August 16, 2021

solid round bar 3m long and 5cm in diameter is used as a strut, determine the crippling load. Take E=2x105N/mm2. a) One end hinged and other end fixed b) One end is fixed and other end is free. c) Both the ends are fixed.

 A solid round bar 3m long and 5cm in diameter is used as a strut, determine the crippling load. Take E=2x105N/mm2.

a) One end hinged and other end fixed
b) One end is fixed and other end is free.
c) Both the ends are fixed.


Step 1: Data
Length of the column = 3000mm
Diameter of the column = 50mm
Crippling load =??

 Step 2: Calculation of moment of inertia
I = π d / 64
I= π (50)4 / 64
I = 0.306X106mm4

Step 3: Calculation of crippling load
Condition = One end hinged and other end fixed
P = 2Π 2E I/ L2
P = 2Π 2(2x105) (0.306X106 ) /  (3000)2
P = 134.22 KN

Step 4: Calculation of crippling load
Condition = One end is fixed and other end is free.
P = Π 2E I/4 L2
P = Π 2(2x105) (0.306X106) / 4(3000)2
P = 16.778 KN

Step 5: Calculation of crippling load
Condition = Both the ends are fixed
P = 4Π 2E I/ L2
P = 4Π 2(2x105) (0.306X106 ) /  (3000)2
P = 268.45 KNa

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