Thursday, August 19, 2021

You purchase a certain product. The manual states that the lifetime TT of the product, defined as the amount of time (in years) the product works properly until it breaks down, satisfies P(T≥t)=e−t5, for all t≥0. For example, the probability that the product lasts more than (or equal to) 22 years is P(T≥2)=e−25=0.6703P(T≥2)=e−25=0.6703. I purchase the product and use it for two years without any problems. What is the probability that it breaks down in the third year?

You purchase a certain product. The manual states that the lifetime T of the product, defined as the amount of time (in years) the product works properly until it breaks down, satisfies

For example, the probability that the product lasts more than (or equal to) 2 years is P(T2)=e25=0.6703. I purchase the product and use it for two years without any problems. What is the probability that it breaks down in the third year?

  • Solution
    • Let A be the event that a purchased product breaks down in the third year. Also, let B be the event that a purchased product does not break down in the first two years. We are interested in P(A|B). We have


      We also have

      Finally, since AB, we have AB=A. Therefore,


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