Friday, August 20, 2021

A PI is located at station 38+00.00 with a left deflection of 72°00'00"L. The compound curve begins at sta 33+50.00. The first curve has a 700.00 ft radius and 30°00'00" central angle. Determine the radius and central angle of the second curve and the length of both curves.

 A PI is located at station 38+00.00 with a left deflection of 72°00'00"L. The compound curve begins at sta 33+50.00. The first curve has a 700.00 ft radius and 30°00'00" central angle.

Determine the radius and central angle of the second curve and the length of both curves.


mc30 1

We'll try a vertex triangle solution. Isolate the triangle and label the tangents:

mc30 2

Since we have the radius and central angle of the first curve, we can compute its tangent:

mc30 4

Compute Δ2 using Equation D-1

mc30 3

Determine the distance from the PI1 to the PI which is a side of the triangle.

mc30 5

The distance between PI1 and PI2 is the sum of the curve tangents. Using the Law of Sines and the known T1, we can compute T2.

mc30 6

Using T2 and Δ2, R2 can be determined.

mc30 7

Finally, compute each curve's length.

mc30 8

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