Friday, August 13, 2021

How many 20 oz bottles of water would I have to drink a day to get the proper daily intake of water? (I hate water but I really want to start drinking it more for my health, have any suggestions to make it taste better but still be healthy?)

 How many 20 oz bottles of water would I have to drink a day to get the proper daily intake of water? (I hate water but I really want to start drinking it more for my health, have any suggestions to make it taste better but still be healthy?)


You should not try to drink any predetermined quantity of water.

The volume of water an individual requires depends on many factors such as body weight, physical activity, ambient temperature ( perspiration in hot weather can remove a large amount of water from your body in a short time and it is essential replace it quickly ).

Your body tells you it needs water by making you feel thirsty and when you have drank enough by making the thirst sensation disappear.

There was until recently a widespread, accepted recommendation to drink at least 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water a day. This recommendation has been debunked as there never was any scientific or medical basis for it.

Very importantly, you can drink too much water. There was a radio contest years ago to see who could drink the most water in a certain period of time. One person drank so much her kidneys were damaged and she died. Listen to what your body tells you and you will be fine.

As to how to make water more appealing to drink - add a splash of lemon juice or lime juice.

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