Friday, August 13, 2021

Water flows through a 7cm diameter pipe at the rate of 4 metres/second. How many cm^3 of water flow through the pipe in one second?

Water flows through a 7cm diameter pipe at the rate of 4 metres/second. How many cm^3 of water flow through the pipe in one second?


 The volume of the cylindrically shaped stream of water that issues forth from the pipe in 1 second can be calculated in the same manner as that of any cylinder. The cross sectiional area in “Square Centimeters” is multiplied by the length of the stream (400 cm); ergo:

The cross sectional flow area of the pipe is equivalent to “Pi x Radius Squared” or, alternatively “ .7854 * “Diameter Squared” as in this example:

7 * 7 CM x .7854 = 49 x .7854 = 38.4846 Square cm.

38.4846 x 400 cm = 15,393.84 cubic cm.

As 1 Litre equals 1000 cubic cm then the answer can be reduced to 15.39384 Litres of water.a

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